Bundling Perawatan Rambut by Nutrishe
Hair Goals Bundle berisi:
• Nutrihair
• Bamboo Detangling Hair Brush Bamboo Detangling Hair Brush: Wide cavity brushes are gentle and help minimize the chance of hair loss. Can be used on both wet and dry hair.
The design of detangling hairbrush will redistribute the natural oil on your hair that lubricates from the scalp and down to the hair shaft.
Brushing your hair gently will encourage blood flow, helps with scalp stimulation, and boost hair growth. Can be used as a massaging tool. Easier to detangle the hair without damaging, it works well with thick hair. Suitable for all hair types.
Cara penggunaan:
✔️ Rambut Normal ke Kering :Tuangkan Nutrihair ke telapak tangan, lalu usapkan ke seluruh permukaan kulit kepala sampai ke ujung rambut dengan memijat lembut kepala, kemudian diamkan 15 – 20 menit,. Setelah itu bilas menggunakan shampo sampai bersih.Gunakan Nutrihair 2 – 3 kali seminggu.
✔️ Rambut Normal – Berminyak :Tuangkan Nutrihair pada telapak tangan, lalu usapkan dari batang rambut ke ujung rambut kemudian diamkan 5 – 10 menit, setelah itu bilas menggunakan shampo sampai bersih. Gunakan Nutrihair 1 – 2 kali dalam seminggu.
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